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"This gym is a gem, it’s rare to find a place that hasn’t been polluted at heart by commercialism. The core of Fitness Fraternity is about people, about hard work, focus, drive, to not just accomplish but exceed your goals, all within a friendly and, very importantly for me, safe atmosphere. The infectious vision to see people succeed isn’t just held by the owner but by the trainers, you can’t help but be a part of it too. If you want to train to transform this is your tribe!"

Jenny W

"When I was going to commercial gyms I never felt like I could be fully locked in I felt like I would leave and be like I'm missing something I feel like instead of putting a hundred percent in I might have put 75 80 And I think that's just because of the environment that you're surrounded with you know people not taking it as seriously people not respecting the place that they're in not putting the weights away stuff like that"


"When I was doing the 75 hard I had to show up to the gym twice a day every day And I know that if it wasn't for somewhere like this there would have been days where I thought Do I really want to go to that commercial gym Do I really want to be around people who aren't going to put you in the mood to train in I'd say that just the ability to show up day in day out It's like the main thing for me"


"100% join It's a massively friendly environment Everyone's dead helpful It's hugely motivating seeing everyone getting results out here So it'll only spur you on to do the same thing Amazing."



"Quick note to say a massive thank you for all the insight and motivation you shared with us today I learned a lot - not just about technique and what I need to be thinking about, but about how my own mental approach to coming into the gym influences what I do and why I do it while I’m there.

Joining FF was a huge step in learning how to prioritise my health and longer term fitness, but more specifically learning how to rest, eat, take up space in the world and work WITH my body and mind rather than against them. This made coming to the gym a habit, but that ‘habit’ is now so embedded I’ve not been making the most of it. Today’s biggest takeaways for me were:

100% to make it count, and to think about my progress through the lens of effort, focus and work rather than just getting sets done

To play! To think about working with all those different variables (including thinking about training other areas to influence progress as a whole package) to get the most out of a session and see what works.

Really can’t advocate enough for how good the workshop was. It was mint."





We take a comprehensive approach

When it comes to our members' success.

We are muscle building specialists that design workouts that help you get results FAST, without it taking over your whole life!


To talk about your goals with one of our awesome team members simply fill in the form below.

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